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Prime Development Sites for Sale

Currently 27 Single Family Home  Land Assembly and Growing

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The Vision

According to Kelowna's Official Community Plan for Capri-Landmark

       Residential  Apartments

•4 - 6 Storeys Sutherland/Pridham Block and  North Side Belaire

•7-12 Storeys South Belaire/ Devonshire/ Pridham/ Chandler




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City of Kelowna Consolidate Zoning Bylaw No.8000
RM5 - Medium Density Multiple Housing

The purpose is to provide a zone primarily for medium density apartments

Principal Uses Secondary Uses
The principal uses in the zone are: The secondary uses in this zone are:
a. Boarding and lodging houses a) agriculture
b. Community garden b) child care centre, major
c. Congregate housing c) community recreation services
d. Group home, major d) home based businesses, minor
e. Micro suite housing e) multi-residential shared garden
f. Supportive housing
Buildings and Structures Permitted
a. Apartment housing
b. Stacked row housing
c. Permitted accessory buildings and structures
Subdivision Regulations
a. The minimum lot width is 30.0 m.
b. The minimum lot depth is 35.0 m.
c. The minimum lot are is 1400 m

Development Regulations
(a) The maximum floor area ratio is 1.1
Where the required parking spaces (excluding visitor stalls) are provided totally beneath habitable space of a principal building or beneath useable common amenity areas providing that in all cases, the parking spaces are screened from new, the floor area ratio may be increased by the percentage of required parking provided under the building to a maximum of net floor area for the zone of 1.2. The floor area ratio may be increased by a further 0.2 for the development constructed in an Urban Centre ( as defined by Kelowna’s Official Community Plan).
(b) The maximum site coverage is 40%.
This may be increased to 50% if the developer can achieve additional private open space ( minimum of 20% on top of the bylaw requirement) within the foot-print of the building. The maximum site coverage of buildings, driveways, and parking areas is 65%. This may be increased by 5% ( to a maximum of 70%) for permeable drive surfaces and parking.
(c) The maximum height is the lesser of 18.0 m or 4.5 storeys, except it is 4.5 m for accessory buildings and structures.
(d) The minimum site front yard is 6.0 m
The site front yard for ground-oriented housing with a front door facing the street may be reduced to 1.5 m for portions of a building not over 2.5 storeys developed. Where the site front yard has been reduced below 6.0 m for ground-oriented housing any portion of a building in excess of 2.5 storeys must meet the 6.0 m site front yard.
(e) The minimum site side yard is 4.5 m for a portion of a building not over 2.5 storeys, and 7.0 m for portions of the building in excess of 2.5 storeys. The site side yard to a flanking street is 6.0 m but may be reduces to 1.5 m for the ground-oriented housing with a front door facing the street. Where the site side yard has been reduced below 6.0 m for ground-oriented housing any portion of a building in excess of 2.5 storeys must meet the 6.0 m site side yard.
(f) The minimum site year yard is 9.0 m, except it is 7.0 m where there is a rear lane. For portions of a parkade with lane access which do not project more than 2.0 m above natural grade, the site rear yard is 1.5 m. The site year yard is 6.0 m for accessory buildings. The site rear yard for carport structures is 1.5 m.



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