How much Apartment can you afford? Breaking it down by the area
See what the median sale price for apartment homes in each area was for 2019. Whether you are looking to purchase an apartment for personal use or as a rental the value map can give you an idea of what areas of town to look in. These stats are for all apartments sold for 2019. Curious about some other areas? get the full list here.
Sub Area Sale Price, Median
Big White $343,250
Dilworth Mountain $357,000
Glenmore $355,000
Kelowna North $402,850
Kelowna South $358,200
Lake Country East $311,000
Lake Country North $334,500
Lake Country South $295,000
Lakeview Heights $367,681
Lower Mission $347,900
McKinley Landing $513,000
North Glenmore $330,000
Peachland $667,500
Rutland North $267,450
Rutland South $259,000
Shannon Lake $353,250
Springfield/Spall $325,000
University District $377,950
West Kelowna Estates $834,900
Westbank Centre $327,450
Westside Road $135,500
Looking at the median home price vs the average home price tends to not factor in outliers into the amounts (example $2M home sold that's not common in the area can SKU the numbers this is included in Average but not Median) as with median prices, half the sales will be above the amount and half will be below. When looking at averages it will include outliers Have a great week! -Mark