Real Estate Market July 2021Statistics

Summer is now in full swing and the smoke unfortunately has settled in earlier than normal. The July real estate market showed a slowdown in sales but also active listings are down around ~45% of the normal amount of listings that we see at this time. Homes are still selling fast (and multiple offers) if priced correctly, but some are sitting a bit longer due to the asking price stretching the market.
608 total sales in July. (Down from 763 sales in June and 731 from 2020)
Sidenote, if you are looking for a reprieve from the smoke, a colleague of mine was up at Big White and there were blue skies and no smoke.
1378 total active listings which is down from 3027 listings last July and down from 1451 active in June.
July median days to sell was 24 and the average days to sell was 38
746 New Listings in July which was down from 964 in June
Single Family Residential Homes
Single-Family Sales 258
New Listings 361
Current Inventory 666 (666 in June and 1286 last July)
Median Days to Sell 22
Average Days to Sell 33
Average Price $1,130,687 up from $898,822 last year
Median Price $923,750 up from $749,450 last year
Townhome Activity
Townhome Sales 100 (123 Last July)
New Listings 104
Current Inventory 138
Average Days to Sell 23
Median Days to Sell 16
Average Price $679, 678 ($550,230 last July)
Median Price $623,950 ($525,00 last July)
Condo/Apt Sales 177
New Listings 179
Current Inventory 274
Average Days to Sell 36
Median Days to Sell 22
Average Price $434,402 ($360,253 last July)
MedianPrice $409,900 ($338,500 last July)
Have a great week and feel free to reach out!