Okanagan Real Estate Market July 2020
730 total Residential sales in July yes 730 that is not a typo, huge increase from both June 2020 of 508 and July 2019 if 525.
3,027 total listings down 10% from July 2019 (3,380).
July Average Days on Market was 76
1087 New Listings up from 923 last July but down from June of 1107
Single Family Residential Homes
365 Sales in July (up from 224 July 2019, up from 274 sales in June)
Current inventory at 1289 ( Down from last July's inventory of 1589 and down from 1303 in June.)
Median sale price $749,000 a huge jump from $689,500 in June as more higher end homes sold.
Townhome Sales
123 Sales in July which is up from 77 sales in June and up from 89 last July.
Current inventory at 383 similar to July 2019 of 384 but down from June inventory of 407 in June.
Median sale price $465,000 up from Junes of $460,500
150sales in July up slightly from 134 last July and up from June of 97
The current inventory is up at 707 up slightly from June of 702 and 2019 of 639
Median sale price $330,000
Mobile Home
36 sales in July compared to sales of 19 in June
Current inventory at 97 up from 92 in June.
Median sale price $196,500 up from June of $165,000
Let me know if there is anything I can do for you. Stay Safe!