Timing the Market
Timing can sometimes make all the difference, whether its trying to get moved before school starts, or winter hits, timing when you list and buy your home can make all the difference. This week we are starting with the end in mind to consider when you are wanting to move by and when you should list or purchase by. To help with your planning, I have created our very own "When to Move By" chart using the 3-year Average Days on Market and assuming a 60-day possession period. I will be honest, it is not a perfect chart, as every deal is different, but I designed it to help give an idea to hopefully provide guidance and something to work from. As we work to personalize a strategy to each client we like to work with you to achieve YOUR desired results and goals. When selling and buying, it's important to consider several factors. Do you have a price in mind when selling your home or when it comes to finding the perfect house to move into? Are you looking to minimize showings? Or are you OK with it taking a bit longer to hopefully maximize your price point? When it comes down to it, you are in the drivers seat, ask yourself what is the most important factor to you in this move and rank your priorities? These questions will be key to assessing your situation and working out the best strategy to help you achieve the results you want. Ultimately, we are here to help you get the most amount of money in the timeframe that you are hoping for. Let’s talk about your goals. By providing us with your ambitions, it will help us create a personalized strategy that can target all the areas you are looking to focus on with this move. Below, is our “Planning When to Move” chart, use it as a guide in your buying and selling journey.
For example, if you want the move to be completed by September, to get in before school starts, allowing for two to three months possession after having subjects are removed, then your home should ideally be sold in May/June.
Time for my disclaimers, please keep in mind these are all averages and every deal is different. The median days on market are about 20 days shorter than what you see there. It all depends on how accurately you are priced in the market and how aggressive you want to be and the days on market in the last 2 years has dropped significantly, and the type of home/condo all have different days on market. Regardless of your situation, we are here to provide you with the right advice and the best help so that you can get the move done the way you want. Have a great week!! Let us know if you have any questions or if there is anything we can do for you.
Mark Coons
Maddie Coons